Vyacheslav (Yura) Useinov's Art

“Identification of symbols” Gobelin, 1998
Vyacheslav (Yuri) Useinov was born in Fergana (Uzbekistan) in 1962. In 1985 he graduated from Bobruisk College of Fine Arts. Works are held in State museum of Arts of Uzbekistan, Art museums of Fergana, Samarkand, in collection of World Bank (Washington), in privite collections in USA, France, Inally, Japan, Australia, Izrail, Russia. Link: http://useinov.sk.uz

Interval, 1992
"Vyacheslav Useinov's creative work can be seen as permanent fluctuation between the fundamental system and the extreme form of artistic opposition, tending to leave the limits of liguistic conditionality," Shamshed Abdullaev.

“Iranian ligature” Gobelin, in collection of the State Art Museum of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

“Evening flash” Gobelin, in private collection, USA

“Score of light and shade” Mixed technique, in collection of World Bank, USA, Washington

“Empire of symbols” Chy-silk, metal, in private collection, Uzbekistan

“Hearth” Chy, in private collection, Uzbekistan

“And morning air is spreading under the feet of the gravedigger” fragment Canvas, oil, artist property